
My Pets At Home

Ha..ha..ha..this story very funny but I was sad coz my rabbits go on. After I leave here one month , i was decide to buy rabbit. If i buy cat ..ohhh my God's to difficult .So i buy two rabbit's, one male and one female , the name female is Ciki and male is Ciku. After two months I care..ohh..Ciki was pregnant and i let's they freedom at the garden. Suddenly, on the morning i was looked the little rabbit out the hole. It's so cute...very cute...

End the story about my pets, i brought they some where at Golf resort, by the way i hope Ciku and Ciki still alive until now...amenn

My SecondHome, Sandton Village Johanesburgn South Africa

No.22 at Sandton Village our home, near at sandton town where there a commercial town. My neigbour so many white people and  the Malaysian people too .They're goverment staff were posting here.

Good Bye Malaysia, Welcome South Africa - 2 Febuary 2008

 OR Tamboo International Airport

At Kuala Lumpur International Airport , my family say goodbey to me

Arrived together...honeymoon at South Africa. Thankful To Allah.

2 Febuary 2008 Africa ...i'm coming.....
Go there by flight MAS  i seat at 1 class ( nice ) . The hours go there around 10 hours. But the journey only sleeping coz out there so dark. At 5.00 am i was arrived at O.R Tamboo Airport South Africa. 5.00 am at South Africa is so light and "subuh" prayer time.

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